The Galus Method

The Galus Method

Turns Energy into impactful decisions for your business and personal life

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Don't be held back by the 6 barriers that interfere with your growth

These 6 issues are the root causes of stagnation. The Galus Method will help you focus your attention and energy on the core priorities that will propel you to the next level.

The Galus Method

This unique approach consists in 4 key steps

Clarity: Clearly define your objectives and the key milestones needed to achieve them

Alignment: Ensure that all actions align with your vision by testing them against the GPS energy Grid

Priority: Develop and adhere to the GPS Roadmap, which outlines your core priorities.

Evaluation: Continuously track actions and results in the Roadmap to evaluate your progress

By using this approach, we deliver measurable results for you and your business. Achieving tangible outcomes is not just a claim, but a proven fact. Our growing collection of client case studies and testimonials serves as clear evidence of the effectiveness of the Galus Method.


Charlie, Feng Shui Consultant, Spain

I'm totally loving it! The method is clear, efficient and straight to the point. It just makes sense. So much so that I'm planning on implementing it into my own business in order to assess my clients' needs in a more powerful, understandable and visual way. Thank you for bringing this gem into the world.

Ingrid, Anthropologist, South Africa

It's an amazing method to assess how to come back into balance and to bring conscious awareness to parts of your life in an integrated way that connects material/practical and physical inner states - truly a GPS Roadmap

Emmanuelle, Spiritual & Business Mentor, Bali

This method is genius, yet so simple to practice in your daily life. Fanny is so passionate and on point navigating you through her fabulous Galus Method. It gave me the confidence to follow my path with insights. I have now a roadmap for my projects and priorities.

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Feature Two

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Feature Three

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